Ray Hansen

I love the feeling of being challenged both physically and mentally, in different ways everytime I get on the wall.

1. What do you do when you are not climbing? (Other hobbies/ sports)

When I’m not climbing, I’m usually playing ping pong and or super smash bros.

2. If you had to name one thing that gets you totally psyched about climbing, what would that be?

One of my favorite parts of climbing is listening to training podcasts, they get me totally psyched to try hard!

3. What is the most memorable climb/ boulder problem that you have ever completed or attempted?

It has to be my first v13, Roses and Blue Jays. It climbs a perfect overhung face on crimps, slots and edges to a committing last move dyno.

4. Do you have any ongoing projects that are just killing you?

Not at the moment. Luckily I have sent everything big I was working on, so I’m mostly doing climbs I can one sessions for now.

5. If you never discovered climbing, what would you be doing now?

Probably running, or going to school for something lamer then route-setting.

6. Favorite music to send to!?

Rap, specifically Joyner Lucas!

7. Climber that you most look up to?

Probably Kevin Jorgeson, he’s a beast!

8. Top 3 Climbing locations?

Little Rock City, Red Rocks, and Great Barrington (I haven’t traveled out of New England a whole lot)

9. Why do you climb?

I love the feeling of being challenged both physically and mentally, in different ways everytime I get on the wall.