Andrew Jaraha

There are so many aspects of climbing that get me motivated and the beauty is that motivation changes all the time. But hands down the number one aspect of climbing I love the most is it gives the ability to improve myself!

1. What do you do when you are not climbing? (Other hobbies/ sports)

If I’m not climbing the only other activity I’m doing is studying haha. Only 3.5 more years of dental school. 

2. If you had to name one thing that gets you totally psyched about climbing, what would that be?

There are so many aspects of climbing that get me motivated and the beauty is that motivation changes all the time. But hands down the number one aspect of climbing I love the most is it gives the ability to improve myself. With climbing I can see clear undeniable proof of improvement through climbing harder and harder climbs. 

3. What is the most memorable climb/ boulder problem that you have ever completed or attempted?

Andrews Roof aka Freak v10 has to take that spot. The climb looks absolutely insane, I have never seen a move like it. I remember seeing that climb as a young teenager and thinking it looked impossible. The most meaningful climbs I have sent are ones that at once felt imposable.  

4. Do you have any ongoing projects that are just driving you crazy?

Yes, so many. The number one project has to be “Waiting for Messiah” v12 in the Gunks. I have only been to the climb once but that’s a dream climb for me. My other two projects are “Wheel of Buddha” v12 in the Gunks (which I’ve never actually gave an attempt at), and Iron Resolution v13 in Joshua tree. I know two of my projects I never really attempted but these are the climbs that are always on my mind. 

5. If you never discovered climbing, what would you be doing now?

Most likely I’d be sitting on a couch 24/7 doing nothing but studying going crazy. Also, for sure I would weigh 100-200lbs more. I love food so much. If it wasn’t for climbing, I would overindulge in every meal and eat only junk food and deep-fried fast food. 

6. Favorite music to send to!?

Probably angry rap music. It’s nice to just let all the emotions out and just scream and get angry every once in a while.  

7. Climber that you most look up to?

There are so many to choose from. If I had to pick only one I would say Alex Megos. When he climbs, I can see how much it means to him. Also I resonant with how he doesn’t give excuses when he comes up short, and focuses on the things he can change vs what he cannot. 

8. Top 3 Climbing locations?

Joshua tree, Red Rocks, and Black Mountian 

9. Your favorite BetaLabs product.

Defiantly the Too-Hip chalk bag. The all green design is super cool. 

10. Why do you climb?

To improve myself, to vent, to make friends, and mostly to enjoy life.

11. What would you consider to be #1 best way to improve in climbing?

Hands down I believe the best way to improve is to ask higher level climbers for advice and almost anyone for constructive criticism on your climbing form. 

12. If you could start climbing all over again what would you do differently?

I would climb outside significantly more and more regularly. In my 9 years of climbing I only started climbing outside this year, and it has made such a big improvement. Climbing outside will push you to your limits and that is where improvement comes.