Noah Wheeler

I climb because its fun and thrilling, and each discipline offers a different positive.

1. What do you do when you are not climbing? (Other hobbies/ sports)

Hang with people, watch videos, play games, and find new music.

2. If you had to name one thing that gets you totally psyched about climbing, what would that be?

Finding the next hard thing gets me completely psyched. Most notably, new hard outdoor boulders.

3. What is the most memorable climb/ boulder problem that you have ever completed or attempted?

Probably the v14 FA I did recently called Stockholm Syndrome in Haycock PA.

4. Do you have any ongoing projects that are just killing you?

Not currently but I am psyched to find new projects and FAs. One climb in a nearby crag with a supposed grade of v12-v14 still has my eye though.

5. If you never discovered climbing, what would you be doing now?

Most likely doing some other sport. I really love sports in general.

Photo: @wraypaynter

6. Favorite music to send to!?

I don’t listen to music when I send, but bands like Converge and At the Drive In get me super hyped. Although i’m more into random artists like Beach Bunny, the Weeknd, and Los Campesinos! at the moment.

7. Climber that you most look up to?

Maybe Jimmy Webb not only because he climbs so hard but also because he makes it all look effortless even if hes trying hard.

8. Top 3 Climbing locations?

Any Moon or Tension board, the Red, Haycock. I would love to go out to more outdoor bouldering destinations, as I’m fairly new to it.

9. Why do you climb?

I climb because its fun and thrilling, and each discipline offers a different positive. Competition climbing gives me adrenaline and the chase of placing higher and beating people is thrilling. Meanwhile, outdoor bouldering gives me the thrill of trying to reach, and eventually expand, my max, as well as the pursuit of executing a hard project with perfect beta, technique, and knowledge, which can only come with countless fails.